Legacy Stewardship
Estate & Gift Services | Daystar Television Network
Call (817) 799 - 2471
Or email legacy@daystar.com
Create Your Will
Create your free will, living will or revocable living trust.
Life Insurance
Designate the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy, your premiums may be tax deductible.
Real Estate
Can provide considerable savings in capital gains taxes due upon the sale of appreciated property.
Donating cryptocurrency directly to a 501c3 nonprofit is more tax efficient and can save you money. The IRS classifies cryptocurrency as property for tax purposes which means it is typically the most tax efficient way to support your favorite cause.
The Qualified Charitable Distribution or QCD (sometimes called an “IRA Charitable Rollover”) is a great way to make a tax-free gift now and satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), too.
Stocks & Bonds
A gift of appreciated publicly traded securities can bring you tax savings by offering two significant advantages.
Donor Advised Fund
Easily recommend grants to Daystar Television Network for tax-efficient giving
Cash Gifts
The simplest and most popular type of charitable gift, contributions are tax deductible.
Selling a Business
Selling a business can lead to significant income and Capital gains taxes.
Matching Gifts
Many companies will match donations given by their employees to a non-profit organization.
Oil, Gas, Mineral Lease
Own an oil, gas or mineral lease, or surface rights?
Buildings, land, vehicles, aircraft, boats, motorcycles, stocks & bonds, etc.
What is Legacy Stewardship?
Estate Planning is the process by which your personal and financial objectives for your family or charities are accomplished following death.
Often, there is a good deal of discussion to finally determine the plan which is best for those who will survive you. Thus, estate planning involves:
- Disclosure of financial and personal information,
- Discussion and identification of objectives to be achieved,
- Presentation of the options available to meet defined objectives,
- Recommendations of how best to proceed understanding the costs and benefits, including taxes,
- Work with the partner’s attorney of choice to present and assure that the partner’s goals are specifically spelled out during the preparation of documents to effectuate the plan selected, and
- Follow up with the partner’s other personal advisers to make sure that the plan is put into effect.
- Give advice or direction as to investment vehicles available.
An estate plan serves a number of functions:
- Ensure the right person cares for your children in the event you are unable to do so yourself
- Ensure your property is transferred to the persons of your choosing – not the state’s
- Avoid probate or reduce administration costs
- Ensure assets passed to children are used appropriately – for college, starting a business, etc. – not blown in one lump sum Provide creditor and predator protection for loved ones
- Prevent persons from receiving any of your assets
- Make charitable contributions
- Reduce estate taxes
- Maintain privacy
- Ensure the right person is making your health care decisions if you can’t do so yourself
- Ensure your wishes are followed in end-of-life situations
- Ensure your finances and business are handled by the right person if you can’t do so yourself
- Transfer your business upon incapacity or death
“We knew that we had procrastinated when it came to establishing an estate plan because we did not want to face all of those “big” like who would serve as guardian for our minor children and who should receive various assets. Daystar helped us to realize any plan can be a foundation and we can work on getting things perfect as we continue. An estate plan can be fluid and created to fit our own circumstances now and then changed for later as our family grows and develops.

Estate Plan
“What a tremendous relief to know that my estate planning needs are secure and that I know the assets we’ve worked hard for are preserved and passed on to the Kingdom of God.”

“We wanted to insure that our family members and other beneficiaries were taken care of if something happened to us so they might have a direction if something ever happened to us whether it be temporary or permanent incapacity. Daystar helped us to develop something that was tailor made for our life situations.”

A bequest is a planned way to sow seeds for the Kingdom by including Daystar in your will. With your attorney’s help, this can be a way to save on or avoid estate and gift taxes. Distributions can be made either as a specific dollar amount or as a percentage of the estate.
A bequest can take one of the following forms:
- You designate a specific dollar amount to be transferred to one or more charities such as Daystar Television
- You can designate property assets, such as real estate, artwork and other valuables to be used to fund a charitable gift.
- A percentage of your estate plan can be designated for charitable purposes to ensure that the relative values of your gifts remain equal.
- You can determine that what remains after all other gifts to loved ones have been fulfilled goes to charity.
Many companies will match donations given by their employees to a non-profit organization. Check with your employer to see if they have an Employee Giving Campaign. If they do not, often times you can notify your supervisor and the company will provide Daystar with a form to fill out to start the process.
Daystar welcomes such donations as: buildings, land, vehicles, aircraft, jewelry, vacation homes, boats, Oil & Gas leases, motorcycles, stocks & bonds, rental property and art work.
Selling a business can lead to significant income and Capital gains taxes. With your attorney’s help, you can often use a charitable trust offered through Daystar Television Network to minimize or eliminate these taxes
A gift of real estate can provide considerable savings in capital gains taxes due upon the sale of appreciated property. At the same time, you receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of the property as determined by appraisal. Gifts of appreciated real estate are fully deductible up to a maximum of 30% of your adjusted gross income. The unused portion of your donation can usually be carried forward and deducted over a maximum of five subsequent years with the same 30% maximum each year, subject to certain limitations.
A gift of appreciated publicly traded securities can bring you tax savings by offering two significant advantages.
- You avoid paying capital gains on the increased value of the security.
- You receive a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the security when the gift is made, subject to the same limitations described under gifts of real estate. Usually the security must have been held for at least 18 months.
The contribution of an existing or new life insurance policy can provide a significant gift in a manner which can be especially attractive for younger donors. By designating Daystar as both the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy, your premiums may be tax deductible.
How does it work? Simply purchase a life insurance policy and name the charity as your beneficiary. For example, let’s say you have a $200,000 policy. You can leave $150,000 to your family and $50,000 to your favorite charity such as Daystar.
If you donate a term life policy to a charity, you can deduct the cost of the premiums from your taxes. If you donate a whole life policy, you can deduct the cash value of the policy as well as the cost of the premiums. In both cases the charity gets the policy proceeds.
Own an oil, gas or mineral lease, or surface rights? Why not donate it to Daystar and receive some healthy tax advantages, so we can convert your donation to help those less fortunate around the world?
A charitable gift annuity (CGA), available in most states, is a contractual arrangement between you and National Christian Community Foundation (NCF), our charitable gift annuity provider. You make an irrevocable gift of cash or securities (minimum $ 10,000) in exchange for fixed payments for life, with the remaining value benefiting the mission of Daystar at your death.
- Security-Your fixed payments will not change, regardless of whether interest rates rise or fall.
- High Rates of Return-Your annuity payments may be considerably more than you are presently receiving.
- Current tax deduction of gift portion.
- Tax-free income-Part of your annual payments may be a tax-free return of principal.
- Capital gains tax savings-Minimize taxation on appreciated assets and spread them over your lifetime.
- Flexibility-You choose immediate or deferred payments and frequency of payments…quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
- Provide for yourself and one other…your spouse, a special needs child, or a parent.
An easily established charitable trust can provide a current charitable deduction for you in addition to income for you and/or Daystar during your lifetime. The income stream could be a fixed dollar amount or a fixed percentage. Estate and gift taxes can be lowered or eliminated by the proper use of these trusts.
This gift can be very attractive because it has the potential to increase the income that you may be receiving from low-yielding savings accounts, stocks, bonds, or certificates of deposit. The income must be distributed to you, your spouse, or other designee; at the end of the term of the trust the assets would be distributed to Daystar.
You may be considering including Daystar with one or more of the excellent vehicles listed above, but you may be concerned about leaving assets to your children or grandchildren. With proper planning, you can do both.
A wealth replacement trust would provide your loved ones with life insurance dollars in an amount that you set in addition to the money that you sow for the Kingdom. These dollars would be estate and income tax-free. You can also control your loved one’s access to the trust if you do not choose to leave them an immediate lump sum.